Driving Success Through Diverse Teams

Diversity centric recruitment has been one of the most driving business issues in corporate America for the past decade — and for good reason. Business, industry, and technology have accelerated as well as the ethnic makeup of our country. Aware of these changing times and demographics, WSS is proud to continue our work in building strong teams.

Research indicates organizations whose leaders combine diversified thought, skills and experience have a greater chance of achieving better financial performance, earning higher cash flow per employee and inclusive teams are often 35% more productive and diverse teams have been shown to make better decisions 87% of the time.

WSS understands that recruiting a diverse workforce is not about optics or quotas but success in business performance. True diversity starts without discrimination but with an organizational mission to recruit outstanding and qualified leaders who encompass various backgrounds, skills, ideas, and cultures including veterans, candidates with disabilities, the white male, and the aging population.

Regardless of the skill set, diversity focus and your culture needs, WSS can help. Challenging searches are where we truly excel.

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“Companies with a diverse workforce are 35 percent more likely to outperform those without diversity initiatives.”

Source: McKinsey

Goldman Sachs reported that 27% of its U.S. professional workforce was Asian American, but only 11% of its U.S. executives and senior managers, and none of its executive officers, were Asian American.

Source: https://hbr.org/

WSS Executive Search At a Glance

Functional Roles

Senior Leadership Roles
C-Suite Executives
Board of Directors


Financial Services
Consumer Products & Goods
Sports, Entertainment & Media
Non-Profit / Education

Our Clients

WSS has worked with a wide variety of clients ranging from startups and large corporations to Fortune 500 companies and Boards of Directors. WSS’s client spectrum over the years has included numerous recognizable names.

A Short List of Our Representative Clients Include:

  • Ally
  • Amazon
  • Aqua Technologies
  • AT&T
  • Citigroup
  • Discover Financial Services
  • ESPN
  • Golden One Credit Union
  • HealthSouth
  • LPGA
  • The Leonard Group
  • Metlife
  • Merrill Lynch
  • Morgan Stanley
  • New York Life
  • Proctor & Gamble
  • Reebok
  • Stryker Medical
  • Zions Bancorporation
WSS Executive Search

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Give us a call to discuss your needs.

Whether it is a single search, talent mapping assignment, enterprise recruiting project or speaking engagement, WSS looks forward to hearing from you.

TEL 714.848.1201

WSS Executive Search

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